The office address: 352916, Krasnodar territory, Armavir, Komsomolskaya st, 130
Phone: +7 (86137) 5-56-86
Fax: +7 (86137) 5-56-86
Date of the basis of the company: on January, 19th, 2005
The general manager: Nikitin Sergey Vladimirovich
Quantity of employees: 1181 persons
Open Company «DORSNAB» is engaged in operation and overall development of highways of federal significance . Works include: road marking, installation of barrier protection, alarm columns, signs, and also performance of all kinds of works on the maintenance of public highways of federal significance. For today the company structure includes 10 road operational enterprises.
- More than 400 units of road technics;
- 34 industrial sites;
- Full assortment of the most up-to-date means of mechanization and auxiliaries;
- 10 road operational enterprises.
Operating contracts:
- The maintenance of a site of highway М-4 «Don» from Moscow through Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar to Novorossisk of km 1119+500 – km of 1385+000 and artificial road constructions on it;
- The maintenance of a site of highway М-4 «Don» from Moscow through Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar to Novorossisk of km 1385+000 – km of 1542+250 and artificial road constructions on it;
- Repair of a site of highway М-4 «Don» from Moscow through Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar to Novorossisk of km 1428+185 – km 1442+000;
- The maintenance of a site of a highway of M – 10 «Russia» from Moscow through Tver, Novgorod to St.-Petersburg of km 593+600 – km 674+150;
- The maintenance of a site of a highway the St.-Petersburg southern half ring through Kirovsk, the Moscow State University, Gatchina, B.Izhoru of km 88+030 – km 123+170;
- The maintenance of a site of highway А-116 Novgorod – Pskov (through Soltsy, Porhov) 0+000 – km 68+300; km 105+784 – km 160+600;
- The maintenance of a site of highway А-212 Pskov – Izborsk to border of Estonian Republic (to Riga) km 4+675 – km 60+045;
- The maintenance of a site of highway М-20 St.-Petersburg – Pskov – Pustoshka – Nevel to border of Byelorussia of km 175+925 – km 541+436;
- The maintenance of a site of a highway the Entrance to Stavropol from а/д m-29 «caucasus» of km 0+000-44+000;
- The maintenance of a site of a highway the Entrance to Cherkessk from r m-29 «caucasus» of km 0+000-63+000;
- The maintenance of a site of highway М-29 «caucasus» of km 0+000-209+400, 209+400-232+200.