Engineering company

New technologies of
road facility management

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Dorogi Chernozemja JSC

Post address:394033 г. Воронеж, ул. Землячки, д.25
Legal address:394033, Воронежская область, г. Воронеж, ул. Землячки, д. 25
Phone: +7 (473) 200-15-10 Fax: +7 (473) 200-15-04
Date of the basis of the company: 12/1/2009
The general manager: Слюсарь Александр Алексеевич
Quantity of employees: 390 persons Joint-Stock Company «Road of Chernozem region» is engaged in operation and overall development of public highways, and day-to-day and major repairs of federal highways. Capacities:

  • More than 200 units of road technics;
  • Full assortment of the most up-to-date means of mechanization and auxiliaries;
  • 7 operational enterprises.

The list of operating contracts:

    • Performance of works on the maintenance of public highways of regional or intermunicipal significance in municipal areas of the Voronezh region;
    • The maintenance of sites of highways: 1Р119 Oryol-Livny-Elets-Lipetsk-Tambov of km 154,134 – km 204,011, km 232,2 – km 326,6 in the Lipetsk region; 1Р 193 Voronezh – Tambov of km 10,038 – 110,898 in the Voronezh region; А-144 Kursk – Voronezh – Borisoglebsk of km 152,5 – km 218,5, km 262,0 – km 444,2 in the Voronezh region, М-6 «Caspian sea», an entrance to Saratov of km 444,2 – km 504,5 in the Voronezh region; an entrance to the city of Lipetsk of km 0,00 – km 58,8 in the Lipetsk region; an entrance to the city of Voronezh of km 0,00 – km 14,0 in the Voronezh region under target programs;
    • Repair of federal highways: Object №1: highway М4 «Don» to Lipetsk of km 55+608 – km 58+000 in the Lipetsk region; Object №2: a highway 1Р-119 km 285, km 291, km 289, km 303, km 306 (traffic intersections) in the Lipetsk region; Object №3: highway А-144 km 366+000 – km372+200 in the Voronezh region; Object; №4: highway А-144 km 329+000 – km 427+000 (repair of the destroyed sites of road owing to abysses); Object; №4: highway А-144 km 329+000 – km 427+000 (repair of the destroyed sites of road owing to abysses);

Repair of federal highways: Object №1: highway А-144 km 423+000 – km 429+000 in the Voronezh region; Object №2: a highway 1Р 119 km 316+000 – km 326+000 in the Lipetsk region; Object №3: highway М4 «Don» an entrance to Lipetsk of km 0+000 – km 23+000 in the Lipetsk region;

  • Major repairs of a federal highway 1Р 193 Voronezh – Tambov of km 66+000 – km 76+000 (I stage of km 73+800 – km 75+087) in the Voronezh region;
  • Performance of a complex of works under the maintenance of highways А-144 Kursk – Voronezh – Borisoglebsk of km 152+500 – km 218+500, А-144 Kursk – Voronezh – Borisoglebsk to a highway «Caspian sea» of km 262+000 — km 379+550 and А-144 Kursk – Voronezh – Borisoglebsk to a highway «Caspian sea», М-6 an entrance to Saratov of km 379+550 – km 440+200 and km 444+200 – km 504+500 in the Voronezh region

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