About us
Engineering company
«New technologies of road facility management»

Construction of highways
Roads connect people, townships, streets, villages, cities, countries and regions, which allows people meet and communicate, deliver fresh food to shops on time, carry construction materials, raw materials, architectural hardware and textile materials, technical equipment and electric devices, facilities and tools, pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. For several years, our company has participated in construction of motor roads, routes of federal importance, highway sections, bridges and tunnels. Safety, comfort and high esthetic qualities are the criteria that our company specialists adhere to when constructing motor roads.

Exploitation of highways
Our multifunctional holding elaborates projects allowing exploitation of motor roads for a longer period. Company specialists regularly update the requirements on roads exploitation, enhancing the quality of their maintenance and extending the period during which the roads do not require any capital repairs. Digging protection trenches, appropriate installation of road signs, early detection of defects and dangerous road sections, implementation of modern devices to define safety and long life of road surface. Updated fleet of special equipment and enhancing of work quality standards enable company employees to manage the most challenging assignments.

Complex development of highways
In accordance with the latest development and safety and quality requirements, our company, when delivering orders on complex development of roads, relies on surface topography data, climate conditions, soil and hydrological conditions, rock materials and industrial waste data, which can be used in various road construction layers and other engineering structures. The obtained data is applied during complex road development. The information helps enhance safety, road quality, modernization and highway traffic capacity.